He's such a sweet heart. =)
But, first up is Grizzly. He's almost four(?) and thinks he's the king of the world - at least, our block. He's our evil chihuahua that everyone thinks is absolutely adorable until they actually get to know him. The only one who can keep a handle on his pure evilness is Mom, who happens to be his idol. Here's his questionare - he filled it out very begrudgingly.

Movies:_ Ug. It's too much of a hassle to go all the way to the living room, unless, of course, Mom does.
Food:_ Hm… I would prefer anything brought to me on a silver
platter, but since no one ever thinks of it… I guess human flesh.
Hobbies:_ Sleeping, chewing on the younger male human,
staring at Mom… the list goes on.
Animal:_ Hello? I am
an animal. Favorite, right there.
Best Friend:_ Mom.
See what I mean? Evil... Thunder, on the other hand is the stupidest genius I have ever seen. I can't really prove the genius part... but he sure is adorable, in my opinion. He's grown a lot since the first picture way up there^ - he's nearly three now - but he's still cute. And very much a puppy.
Books:_ You mean those things that Charli’s obsessed with?
Movies:_ Hm… I dunno. I like the ones where Daddy laughs a
Food:_ Anything that comes off the table!!!
Music:_ Britt Nicole! Alyx dances funny!
Hobbies:_ Playing outside – oh, oh! And chasing the little
red light!
Best Friend:_ Grizzly! (Grizzly says 'dream on, bud...')
And there they are! The pets of the family!
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