Did ya miss me?
Hey, don't be mad. It was a surprise even to me. It's been the lazy kind of hectic where I had plenty of time for blogging but just didn't feel like it. Plus, I've had nothing interesting enough for a post of it's own, but now I can shove it all in one post and be done with it!
What's been happening -
I got a job...
At a barn. Where they don't pay me. But I do get to be around horses and on rare fifteen-minute occasions they let me ride. So now I work up to seventeen hours a week at two very different barns and don't earn a cent.
Four or five unfinished sewing projects...
That you will probably be reading more about later. Like, June-ish. When I'll (hopefully) have them finished.
Ben's leaving in three months...
The day after graduation. He got accepted into Pensacola Christian College's work-study program, so he's their prisoner for the whole summer. And then he starts college. Without me. Yippee.
I'm writing on a schedule now...
Book-wise, at least. Right now I feel very smug because I'm two weeks ahead of schedule, but I can see the dark cloud hovering in the distance - the day when I can't send the chapter out to my readers and they all hate me and I feel like a slacker. Which I am.
Well, this is a lot shorter than I thought. There's gotta be something else...
I guess that's it. Huh. It feels like my head's screwed on backwards and I can't think at all, so I leave you with... four... pitiful... excuses. *ducks behind my desk* Don't hate me!
~Charli Rae