{officially terrified of car alarms now} |
Thursday I went to Freedom Ride and Momma picked me up (I don't think I've ever been that excited leaving FR). Friday, we went to Give Kids the World to volunteer at the Gingerbread House (restaurant) and had a friend spend the night. Saturday we dragged said friend along with us to a CAP open house, and while she spent the night again, I went to a different sleepover at which many strange things happened, so if you hear me say, "Where's my baby?" in a creepy voice, don't be alarmed. Sunday we had friends over after church and I had a bit of a bad attitude for things not related to my friends, but I am very sorry that they had to witness it. :(
But yeah. It's over. A new week has begun.
~Charli Rae |Job 39:19-25|