We went to the beach on Monday; sort of a Memorial Day tradition.
It wasn't the best trip. There was some weird jellyfish epidemic and they were washed up everywhere, I was the only kid who didn't get stung, the water was green for some reason... and there was a storm.
Well, the storm was actually the fun part. We saw the black line of rain on the horizon and packed up, and the rain reached us just as we were heading back to the cars. Poor tourists... should've watched us natives. One canopy went flying among yelps and shrieks.
So. Sunburns, jellyfish stings, shell cuts, and sand in places it should never have made its way to... pretty much sums up the beach.
Bye! I might get another post in before the road trip, but during, they'll be few and far between.
~Charli Rae